I bought a Xiaomi mini wifi router(MiWiFi). It is cheap, but the official firmware is a trouble for me. Therefore, I upgrade the firmware to PandoraBox version and use it as a wifi signal extender at home.
Scan wifi ap and join it
- Go to Network->WiFi
- Select the wifi interface will be the wifi client and press the Scan button
Notes: If your wifi ap and wifi client is the same interface(2.4/5G), the performance will be cut at least half of the bandwidth. The best way to assign client and ap in two different physical interface. For example, 2.4G as client and 5G as ap, or the opposite way.
- Select the wifi ap you would like conntect to and Press Join Network
- Input the password, change the name of the new network for wifi client mode and assign firewall zone to lan. Generated an new wifi interface as client mode
- checked the lan and the new interface(wlwanclient)